IWGDF/IDSA Infection guideline (2023 update)

Download the IWGDF/IDSA Guideline on infection via the link below.

Members of the Infection Working Group

Prof. Dr. Eric Senneville

Specialist in Infectious Diseases Gustave Dron Hospital, Tourcoing, France Prof Eric Senneville, MD, PhD,  trained in medicine in Lille University, France before specializing from 1983 to […]

Dr. Edgar Peters

Internist (infectious diseases and acute medicine) Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Edgar J.G. Peters (Heerenveen, Friesland, The Netherlands) started medical school at VU University Medical Center, […]

Prof. Dr. Lawrence Lavery

Podiatrist and Wound Care Specialist UT Southwestern Medical Centre, Dallas, Texas, USA Lawrence A. Lavery is a tenured Professor in the Department of Plastic Surgery at […]

Dr. Suzanne van Asten

Resident Medical Microbiology LeidenUniversity Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands Suzanne van Asten was born on May 31, 1988 in Bilbao, Spain. After finishing her medical degree […]

Prof. Dr. Vilma Urbancic-Rovan

Specialist in internal medicine – diabetology Department of Endocrinology, University Medical Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia Vilma Urbancic completed her training in Diabetology at University of Zagreb, Croatia […]

Prof. Dr. Javier Aragon-Sanchez

General Surgeon Department of Surgery and Diabetic Foot Unit, La Paloma Hospital, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain Dr. Javier Aragón-Sánchez is a General Surgeon. He […]

Prof. Dr. John Embil

Consultant, Infectious Diseases University of Manitoba, and Winnipeg Regional Health Authority; Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. John Embil is a Professor of Medicine, and a specialist in Internal […]

Dr. Zulfiqarali Abbas

Endocrinologist Department of Internal Medicine, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Abbas Medical Centre, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Dr. Zulfiqarali G. […]

Prof. Dr. Ilker Uckay

Physician Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Balgrist University Hospital, Switzerland Prof. Dr. med. Ilker Uçkay is a physician who graduated from the University of Zürich, Faculty […]

Dr. Zaina Albalawi

Endocrinologist Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, Memorial University, Canada   Zaina Albalawi is an endocrinologist and clinical epidemiologist with clinical and research expertise in diabetes, […]

Prof. Dr. Orhan Oz

Radiologist UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX, USA Prof Oz is a board-certified Diagnostic Radiologist with a practice specialty of Nuclear Medicine/Nuclear Radiology. He is Chief, Division of […]

Dr. Genève Allison

Associate Professor of Medicine Tufts University School of Medicine, Medford, MA, USA Dr. Allison’s clinical practice, research and teaching focus on the intersection of complex infections […]

Prof. Dr. Zhangrong Xu

Professor of medicine The 306th Hospital of PLA, Beijing, China Dr. Zhangrong Xu graduated from Hunan Medical College as post-graduate doctor in 1983. He finished post-graduate […]

Prof. Dr. Majdi Alhasan

Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine School of Medicine Columbia, University of South-Carolina, USA Dr. Al-Hasan graduated from the faculty of medicine at the University of Jordan […]