Every 20 seconds somewhere in the world someone loses a leg due to the complications of diabetes. At this moment, millions of people with diabetes suffer from poorly healing foot ulcers. These people can be helped when a multidisciplinary foot team shares common goals and follows evidence-based care.

The mission of the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF) is to produce evidence-based guidelines to inform health care providers all over the world on strategies for the prevention and management of diabetic foot disease. Thus the IWGDF aims to reduce the high patient and societal burden of diabetic foot disease.

IWGDF Outreach Kit is out!

Do you want to tell your students, colleagues or friends about the IWGDF Guidelines? We’ve got you covered with our IWGDF Outreach Kit.

Watch all the videos, download the slides, and read our published story HERE.

Stll can’t get enough? There will be podcasts soon, so stay tuned.


The IWGDF Guidelines on the prevention and management of diabetic foot disease


The translation of the IWGDF Guidelines in various major languages.


The IWGDF Guidelines are written by clinicians, researchers and other experts-in-the-field from all over the world. Find out who we are.